Your attention, por favor?

There are a few things I'd like to share with you. This page is dedicated to things that I care about- causes, information, even some politics... Shocking, yes?
Help end world hunger
First off, we have You can learn new words while you feed starving people. Sounds like a win-win situation to me. Also, you can select other subjects to mess with- like geology and other languages. Go for it.
Oh, and bonus- if you get a really high score, like over 5000, you can contact me on one of the sites listed under 'get to know Azel,' tell me how much, and give me a nickname. I'll list you below.

Free-Rice champions Azel admires

None yet. How sad.

دنیارابگوییدچطورآنهاانتخاباتمان دزدیده اند
Tell the world how they have stolen our election

In Iran, there was an election. Normal democratic junk, right? Try again. A whole country of people has been silenced by the new 'president', and people have even been killed from peaceful protesting. Read more about this at the following urls:
And don't forget to wear green, the campaign color for freedom.